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The SQL configuration scraper will execute a SQL query and then create a configuration item for each returned row.

The example below creates a new MSSQL::Database configuration for each database on the sql server, and then creates a roles object container the SQL Server login to database role mapping. With change detection this will highlight when new users are added / modified / removed on an individual databases.

  - connection: 'sqlserver://localhost:1433?database=master'
        value: sa
        value: password
    type: MSSQL::Database
    id: $.name

      full: true # transform the entire configuration item, and not just the configuration data (row)
        javascript: |+
          var dbs = {}
          for (var i = 0; i < config.rows.length; i++) {
            var db = config.rows[i]
            var name = db.DB
            if (dbs[db.DB] == null) {
                config:               dbs[db.DB] = {
                  name: name,
                  roles: {}
                changes: {

                analysis: {


            dbs[name].roles[db.role] =

    query: |
      declare  @mytable table (
        [DB] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
        [name]  [nvarchar](255)  NOT NULL,
        [role]  [nvarchar](255)  NOT NULL

      DECLARE @command varchar(1000)
      SELECT @command =
      'USE ?; SELECT DB_NAME() as DB, AS [user],
        isnull (, ''No members'') AS [role]
      FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM
      RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1
        ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2
        ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id
      WHERE DP1.type = ''R'' and is not null'

      insert into @mytable  EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

      select * from @mytable


Field Description Scheme Required
id A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the ID for the resource. string true
name A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the Name for the resource. Default value is the id. string false
items A JSONPath expression to use to extract individual items from the resource string false
type A static value or JSONPath expression to use as the type for the resource. string true
transform Specify field to transform result Transform false
format Format of config item, defaults to JSON, available options are JSON string false
timestampFormat TimestampFormat is a Go time format string used to parse timestamps in createFields and DeletedFields. If not specified, the default is RFC3339. string false
createFields CreateFields is a list of JSONPath expression used to identify the created time of the config. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used []string false
deleteFields DeleteFields is a JSONPath expression used to identify the deleted time of the config. If multiple fields are specified, the first non-empty value will be used []string false
- Specify connection details to the database Connection
driver Specify the name of the driver to use for connecting to the database string false
query Specify the SQL query to execute string true


Field Description Scheme Required
connection Specify the connection string for the database string true
auth Specify the authentication details for connecting to the database Authentication false


Field Description Scheme Required
username Specify the username kommons.EnvVar true
password Specify the password kommons.EnvVar true